
Thursday, March 29, 2012

38 Weeks

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while!

Things have been pretty crazy the last couple of weeks with moving, and I'm just now beginning to feel a bit settled. We took all of last week to move our stuff to my parents' house. It was exhausting! David did almost all of the moving himself. We had help from our home teacher and another brother from the ward, as well as my dad. I helped as much as I could, but I am so big, tired, and delicate these days that I really couldn't do much.

I am slowly getting things ready for Jackson. His nursery is put together enough that when he comes it will be functional, but there is still work to be done for it to look the way I'd like it to.

The rest of our stuff is scattered all over the place and we haven't made time yet to organize it and put it away so our space is more functional. Unfortunately I have to get help to get all of that done, otherwise I would just do it myself. Oh well, it will get done eventually.

David started working at Target yesterday! He likes it so far.

I had a doctor appointment on Monday. They did a non-stress test and a cervical exam. I am 2.5cm dilated and 80% effaced! I had been having cramps and lots of Braxton Hicks contractions all weekend, so I was pleased to hear that it wasn't in vain! Hopefully baby can wait a few more days until Steph comes home :-) Or at least until Sunday so he can have an April birthday! We will see!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This last week was crazy-- but in a semi-good way.

We got our tax return on Wednesday, so we FINALLY had the financial freedom to go out and buy some things for our baby! I can't even BEGIN to tell you how good it felt!! It is crazy how much relief it brings to this nesting mama to have a nursery in the works and to have the basic necessities in place for when baby Jackson joins our family.

Not only did we get our tax return, but David landed a job at Target! It is not his life ambition to work at Target, and it does absolutely nothing to further his career, but it will be a paycheck, which is something that we haven't seen in many months. It will be good for him to get out and work. He will continue to develop the game that he has been working on as well, since I doubt that Target will schedule him for 40 hours a week.

We have been moving slowly, and tomorrow we are moving furniture. We have until Saturday to move out completely, so if we don't get all the small stuff moved tomorrow then we have the rest of the week to finish. We also need to scrub everything clean.