
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

24 weeks, already?

I can hardly believe this last week has gone by so quickly! Camille and Heidi came home nearly a week ago, and Adam came on Sunday, so I have been spending most of my time with family! It's been so nice to catch up with everyone!

David and I were rear-ended on Saturday, and I had whiplash symptoms on Sunday, and though they aren't as bad anymore, they're still there. David's back and neck seems to be fine. I had previous back issues from a sledding accident in 2006, plus I'm pregnant, so I guess I'm more sensitive. I've been getting headaches, and tylenol doesn't help. I am seeing my baby doctor today for an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay, and that the placenta is still intact, and they'll likely send me to a physical therapist as well. The baby has been acting normal, so I'm not too worried. The accident was at low speeds, and I don't think there was any trauma to my abdomen, but you always have to check to be sure.

The holidays are going to be tough, only because the chances of David being contacted about a job decrease greatly until after the new year. It will be a long two weeks to get through-- God is testing our patience, I guess :-P

I can't express how grateful we are for the support from our family and friends. We wouldn't be surviving without it. I definitely have a lot more empathy for my mother and other families who have endured times of unemployment. It is really quite stressful.

On another note, I have had several people actually notice and comment on my belly! It's exciting to finally be showing enough for people to notice. I think it's funny when people in my ward act so surprised. I would think people would have gossiped the news all around long ago. Either they're really good at acting surprised, or they really didn't know!

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